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10 Detrimental Consequences of Video Game Addiction | The Dangers of Online Competitive Gaming.

I compiled a list of the negative impacts of video game addiction, particularly with regards to online competitive games, from personal experience as a former excessive gamer. Although some might consider someone who plays 8-10 hours daily a hardcore gamer, I exceeded that limit by gaming for 14-16 hours per day, subsisting on junk food and energy drinks. If the internet connection was disrupted, it felt like the end of the world for me.

I hit a roadblock in my career progression, lost the person I loved most, and tried to dodge any contact with reality as if it was the problem, not me. I even shunned calls from my parents and kept a distance of 1200 miles from them for no apparent reason. Despite knowing the root cause of my downfall, every night I vowed to quit playing video games, but never followed through on that promise.

I am now six months removed from my video game addiction and my life has taken a positive turn. Without breaking my dependence on video games, I would not have been able to write this article. I have also written a piece on the scientific aspect of video game addiction, the link to which is provided below.

This piece will delve into the 10 detrimental consequences of video game addiction that are common experiences among those affected by it.

It’s not just me who has suffered, but also friends and members of online communities who are struggling with the same problem of online competitive video game addiction.

It’s important to remember that all addictions have negative consequences and video game addiction is no exception.

I am not opposed to playing video games, but I am against impulsiveness and the lack of awareness in our lifestyles.

My focus on online competitive games stems from the belief that games can become even more addictive, or in other words, “exciting”, when played with friends and when there is a competitive element to it.

1. Decreased ability to love and form meaningful relationships.

One of the most significant consequences of video game addiction is the loss of the ability to love. This type of love is not limited to romantic love but encompasses the emotions we experience towards others. As video game addicts, we tend to distance ourselves from our family, friends, and others, and rarely feel the desire to communicate with them. Instead, we focus solely on playing games with virtual friends who we’ve never even met in person.

One of the most severe consequences of video game addiction is the loss of the ability to love and form emotional connections. This encompasses not just romantic relationships but also relationships with family and friends. The addict may avoid social interactions and become distant from loved ones, only finding solace in playing video games with anonymous online friends. Additionally, the addict may become emotionally dependent on others, seeking their attention and love to fill the void within themselves, which ultimately leads to unhappiness and a shift in their personality.

When a person is addicted to video games, their capacity for love is diminished. They may not feel any emotions towards their loved ones or friends, and instead choose to spend time alone playing video games. This is also evident in romantic relationships, where the addicted individual may become emotionally dependent and crave attention and love from their partner, but are unable to reciprocate. Despite their partner’s efforts to show love and affection, the happiness they receive from playing video games is more significant. This cycle of relying on video games for happiness leads to feelings of unhappiness and further addiction. However, when a person overcomes their addiction, they are able to experience an increase in happiness and joy in their relationships, leading to a more fulfilling life.

2. Decline in passion for prior passions.

One of the other major consequences of video game addiction is the loss of interest in your previous passions and hobbies. Before, you had a zest for life and felt energized by your interests. But after excessive gaming, your enthusiasm dwindles, and you no longer feel that same spark.

The things that used to bring me joy and fulfillment, like writing and reading fiction, as well as staying active by running in the evenings, lost their appeal. I was unable to enjoy these activities anymore and even struggled to write a simple sentence. Video game addiction had taken away my interest in these things.

The passion and excitement I once felt for these activities faded away as my video game addiction took over.

Reading, which was once a source of joy, became a tedious task.

Writing, which was once my passion, was now an impossible feat.

My interest in learning the guitar was lost, and I stopped playing altogether.

The same went for cooking, riding bikes, and traveling. Even watching a good movie felt dull and uninteresting.

They also train your brain to crave this high constantly, causing you to lose interest in other activities that once brought you joy.

However, once you break free from the addiction, your brain gradually balances out and your natural interests and passions are restored.

This is why it’s important to limit your video game usage and engage in a variety of other activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment.

Playing video games with friends creates a competitive environment, releasing chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin in the brain. This enhances the addiction to the games, in addition to the dopamine hit.

3. Fear of Interacting with Others

However, when you step into the real world, this confidence and self-esteem start fading away. You start feeling nervous and insecure. You start worrying about what others think of you and what you can offer to the world. This social anxiety can lead to depression, stress, and low self-esteem, which can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.

The false sense of identity and superiority that video games provide can lead to social anxiety in the real world. When we are unable to match up to our digital self, it can lead to feelings of inadequacy and depression, causing us to withdraw from social interactions. The desire to escape into the virtual world becomes even stronger when we feel like failures in reality. This vicious cycle further exacerbates our social anxiety and makes it even more difficult to connect with others.

The habit of living in the digital world leads to social anxiety in real-life situations. Our brain becomes accustomed to the false sense of security and comfort provided by online interactions and video games. As a result, meeting new people or being in social gatherings can feel intimidating and uncomfortable. The thought of “going back to our online friends” becomes tempting because it offers a sense of happiness and familiarity. We retreat back to the virtual world rather than face the challenges of real-life socializing, even though this is not the genuine way of experiencing life and making meaningful connections with others.

4. Dramatic Decrease in Productivity

However, even that becomes a struggle when the addiction to video games is in full swing.

Our focus is constantly pulled towards the game, and we find it hard to concentrate on anything else.

As a result, our productivity takes a hit, and we struggle to get things done efficiently.

This can lead to missed deadlines, poor work quality, and ultimately, disappointment in oneself.

The drop in productivity can have dire consequences. It’s not just about losing time, but also about losing the drive and interest in your work.

When you’re only working to meet deadlines or out of fear of losing your job, the quality of your work will suffer. However, if you enjoy your work, you’ll produce better results.

Procrastination can become a real problem, as you put off work until the last minute. And if there’s no external pressure, you may struggle to even begin your projects.

For example, if you’re a YouTuber and posting content is your job, you may find it hard to even come up with ideas for new videos. You sit for hours, trying to come up with something, but all you can think about is going back to your video game.

This frustration can lead to stress, and you may eventually find yourself saying, “Screw it, I’ll play today. I’ll work tomorrow. I can’t take this anymore.” And the cycle continues.

5. Decreased Confidence and Self-Worth

Low self-esteem can result from video game addiction, which can have a significant impact on one’s confidence and overall well-being. Self-esteem refers to one’s belief in their abilities and the conviction that happiness is a natural right. People with high self-esteem possess self-respect and self-assurance, whereas individuals with low self-esteem often struggle with depression, anxiety, and anger, seeking validation from others. Relationships between two people with low self-esteem can also lead to chaos.

Video game addiction can erode self-esteem by decreasing confidence in one’s ability to fulfill responsibilities and meet the demands of reality. This can result in repeated failures, self-doubt, and unhappiness. However, it’s important to remember that these thoughts are just a manifestation of the addictive brain and are not necessarily true. Everyone has the capability to achieve great things, but it requires getting back up and striving for the best every time we fall. If one desires to live a fulfilling life, it starts with overcoming their addiction.

6. Rise in Impulsive Conduct

Living impulsively is a form of unconscious existence.

In contrast, conscious living leads to a healthier and happier life.

The brain craves instant gratification and this often leads to mindless habits such as continuously scrolling through social media feeds in search of something new or buying a favorite treat for instant pleasure.

While there is nothing wrong with seeking happiness, the problem arises when this behavior becomes repetitive and lacks self-control.

Video game addiction can lead to the loss of self-control and an increase in impulsive behavior.

As we repeat actions, we become skilled at them, including lacking self-control.

Our actions become automatic, and we may not even realize the negative impact they have on our lives.

Video game addiction not only affects behavior but also our identity.

7. Impatience and Anxiety

The mind is always racing, constantly seeking something that will make our lives better. We’re always in a hurry to get it, never taking a moment to relax in case we miss an opportunity. But all that rush leads to nothing. We get so caught up in our future plans and worries that we forget to live in the present. The addiction to video games only exacerbates this, as it creates a constant need for dopamine and other feel-good chemicals. This constant rush towards the future leads to an increase in stress as there always seems to be so much to do and so little time. It’s important to remember that it’s today that makes the difference, not tomorrow.

8. Disconnection from Reality

People often turn to video games as a way to escape reality. However, reality cannot truly be avoided. No matter what we do, we will always be faced with our problems and responsibilities.

Many people cope with difficult situations by temporarily distracting themselves through video games or other means, but this does not solve their problems. The only way to truly face and overcome them is by confronting them head-on.

Video game addiction is a form of detachment from reality, as it allows us to avoid our responsibilities and immerse ourselves in a world of pleasure. This behavior is rooted in the brain’s primary goal of survival and its desire to feel good.

However, this does not mean that individuals are at fault for their addiction. Our brain naturally seeks out activities that bring us pleasure and we form habits through repetition. Breaking an addiction or habit is a challenging process, but it is not something to feel guilty or ashamed about.

Individuals who have detached themselves from reality often prioritize the digital world and their video game experiences over their real-life responsibilities and relationships. They may value their virtual characters and online communities more than their real-life obligations.

9. Depression and Emotional Suppression

If you experience frequent changes in mood, loss of appetite, and thoughts of the pointlessness of life, you may be experiencing depression. Other symptoms include difficulty sleeping, feeling sad or enjoying the sadness, feelings of shame, guilt, or worthlessness, difficulty thinking and making decisions, thoughts of death or suicide, low energy levels, loss of interest in things you once enjoyed, and engaging in unproductive activities.

In some cases, individuals who are addicted to video games may suppress their negative emotions, which can result in a condition called Alexithymia, where they are unable to identify their own emotions or understand the emotions of others, leading to social detachment and a lack of empathy.

10. Physical Health Decline

The impact of video game addiction goes beyond just mental health and affects physical health as well. Prolonged sitting while playing video games can lead to obesity, spinal problems, reduced physical activity, and neglect of basic self-care such as proper nutrition and physical exercise. This can result in serious health issues such as obesity, malnutrition, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Some studies have even linked video game addiction to eye problems. To protect your physical health, it is important to be mindful of the amount of time you spend playing video games and to incorporate physical activity and a healthy diet into your daily routine.


Everyone has their own definition of addiction. For some, it refers to a behavior that is uncontrollable and negatively affects daily life. For others, it is characterized by repetitive and compulsive behavior despite being aware of its harmful consequences. To the author, addiction is an impulsive activity that they dislike but still engage in, regardless of frequency. This definition, though not scientifically accurate, helped the author overcome their own video game addiction. Playing video games can also lead to aggressive behavior, poor academic performance, decreased focus and concentration, as experienced by the author.



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